Friday, January 18, 2008

what the library and its services mean to you...

The Library is a little piece of sanity in the chaos and stress of prison life. I'm nearing the end of my fifth year with another eleven to go. Instead of looking ahead to all those years still behind bars I simply look ahead to my next library day.

With the help of a great librarian and the Interlibrary loan program each week I explore historic battles, humorous stories of growing up and experience exciting and interesting lives in the distant past or far future. ...

.... My only complaint is that it isn't open enough. I was in general population in WCC between 2004 & 2006. We had library 3 nights a week from 1st movement after dinner until recall. Having library only 1 night a week for only 45 mins and only for the first 40 inmates makes it difficult to get everything you want to done. ...

.... There are only 3 things I look forward to in prison - visits, my job in correctional industries and library day. Thank you!

1 comment:

Zach said...

Excellent blog. I must agree that the library is a wonderful place. Books are some of the most powerful weapons on earth.