Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What are dreams made of?

It has been a rough day; too much anxiety and restless feeble fears, the work was huge, the pace meaningful and most is done. I was caught by The Aboves in my lapses, the fax machine didn't connect even once, the telephone kept getting busy signals and the internet alone made me linked. So I close shop and head for home, thinking of girl friends - isn't that what men are always supposed to be thinking about? If they only knew the truth...

Roads were dry, I could have been going home on the motorcycle, but didn't take it to work today. I talked with another motorcyclist, has had his for two years and now has a thousand miles on it, since he only rides in the Sun, and you don't want to know how infrequently that happens up here. I have a long ride on Saturday, no girl friends there, going around Mount Rainier, poker run and barbeque. I drive to my home, and open the garage door and see that I am alone - ever wonder why I would think about girl friends? I don't get dinner tonight, have to fast for the blood work tomorrow, the final check. Still I notice my wife has done wonders and there is a picture I will share.

She has always worked, and even in our ancient aged condition she continues. And some people are blest to have the perfect profession that fits them - Joy in the Job! Meet my wife and her passion. And if you don't know that she is beautiful, you aren't looking at her heart and have missed the best part of my life.


gilponcefam said...

Very nice blog. Beautiful wife and what a cutie she's holding!! Hoping all is well with your blood work. Thank you for fighting for our country and freedom.

Yoda of Math said...

Your wife's beauty is reflected in the big smile of the baby she's holding. Personally, I always thought of her as beautiful, but that's probably family bias on my part.

Jeffro said...

I'd say there are two beautiful people there, extremely happy as well.

breda said...

Sir, you have a lovely wife!

K-Dubyah said...

No, I'd say that you were blest. And yes, she is beautiful, as is the baby she is holding.