Saturday, July 19, 2008

But you didn't turn me on...

So you don't have to return the favor, love that lady in the red CTS. But I was working on self control, trying to get self back in myself. So with the computer down, the television off and no one calling me I did more than recent normal, break fast with my wife, head for the YMCA for more work on self, I watch a TurboJam commercial while I work out wickedly. Back home to stuff to do for us....

I am sharpening the lawn mower blade, with a file, like bayonets and axes, sharpen with file - yes, you could use a grind stone, a wet one and slow but there is art and art has heart and hand sharpening with a file brings back memories. Sharpening my swords before Hastings, or was it my ax, or spear? Riding a horse meant you could carry more weapons in case of loss or breakage, walking means you have to carry the extra weight and get moving somehow and hope it doesn't get in your way. Kind of like all the body armor and three types of killing ammunition and grenades and water and digital I-pod/camera/cell phone of the modern warrior in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I get called to lunch, ramyon with shimp and mon-du, the bright-eyed lady I came to the dance with across from me eating rice and kim chee. I have the Bluegrass playing and she starts mimicking the sound of the sad violins and voices, she catches the tones perfectly. I finish put the stuff away and change the cable to Korean music, telling her that I will start singing along one day. Outside the sound of jets, from the Air Base - the Air Force is on display, everything they tell us they fly is on the flight line or in the air today, the stuff they don't tell us about we will never have to give up to our enemies. The Thunderbirds are on at three, the highways all around are packed with slow moving cars trying to get somewhere. I still have to do the grass mowing and area beautification.

I know what Heaven is like, or at least my piece of Paradise.


Old NFO said...

Jets- The sound of Freedom! :-)

Jeffro said...

Great day for you!