Saturday, August 16, 2008

Can't be too many women with .45s, never enough.

After the terrible shooting last time, and Faster! wasn't good enough I wanted some quality time on the range with my Colt, and took it. Of course there are other things in the world, and I have duties and responsibilities and my idea of fun isn't always the same as my wife's but I dropped her at the Elders' Day church picnic and promised to be back by lunch. And that gave me just enough quality time with my pistol for thirty rounds, two 8-round and two 7-round mags, with twenty rounds left for Faster! But time ran out - there is never enough when one gets older and your plate is full.

It was good shooting, or as I like to think, good enough, although when I was distracted and dropped the one round, I stopped, took a hard look and laughed. I need more practice they should never leave the black and I could get tighter although, no one would believe thirty rounds when they are really tight. I enjoyed the picnic and the Elders Games and the Summer afternoon in the Great Northwest - my cup runneth over.

I do note that Brigid, Tam and Breda all write better about shooting, but I just like people that engage in their passions fearlessly. Works for me, now what was that fool reason for gun control laws? Don't pay it no nevermind, it is a FOOL reason.

1 comment:

freddyboomboom said...

You still write good. :)

Shoot pretty well, too.