Friday, September 19, 2008

Good news,

I watched my second DVD on shooting, sitting position and then kind of practiced it - does the need to have stretched in the last fifteen years enter your life lately? It is knocking on my door, sometimes I just hate the limber youth... but I do know how to stretch, slowly, and will add that to my things I do to make my wife laugh. I won't talk about her limberness.

In the email is the notice that I will receive my M1 soon, and that is fast! Can't send stuff like that through the mail, but FedEx will have it at my door by 10:30 AM, requires one adult wife to sign for it.

I am off to shave, shower and depart on Trusty to work -- real work! at McNeil Island Corrections Center Library, okay! And tomorrow - I refuse to bore y'all, I am riding to Whidbey Island for a charity motorcycle run, keeping the rubber side down. Happy Friday!

Later edit: Great day trying to catch up at the Library - it didn't happen, but I was busy all day and laughing most of it. Came riding home boldly on the motorcycle thinking about tomorrow, met wife and had dinner, opened FedEx box and looked at my new (well, to me) M1, very nice, and it fits me, so well! So to celebrate I took my wife for a walk in the park, looking at the ducks and the black berries and listening to about five different bird calls as we walked around, this another wonderful day. Thank the Lord.


Old NFO said...

Earl- I've ordered those videos for myself. I didn't realize they were still available.

Comrade Misfit said...

Cool! I bought an M-1 from the CMP five years ago. I haven't shot it anywhere near as often as I should.

I don't have those DVDs, but I do have a copy of "Art of the Rifle."