Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Willie's Wednesday

I finished up in the library, left it ready to open on Friday, most of my work will be waiting on my return Monday. I am going off to learn, to study, to challenge myself and perhaps to shoot. Big storm coming in this weekend - a real tree toppler, power outages and terror. But I am off to do what I have to do. As I do, and y'all fix the financial crisis with the Congress and the coming Car Czar (why do we pick up Russian Imperialism? Weren't they overcome by Communists?). Anyway, the important story that I leave you with - isn't written by me but is so real to those that have been, Tale of Two Wars, from the Sandbox, of course. Take care out there, someone loves ya.


Old NFO said...

Excellent link Earl! Go do good and enjoy the training (geez, did I actually say that?)!

hehe- WV- comma

Stephen said...

Definitely a nice link. The exact same kind of language you might hear in a letter from a soldier on the front line in WWII.

I guess soldiers are soldiers whether they listen to Tommy Dorsey or Fifty Cent.