Sunday, January 4, 2009

They are stealing pages from the books in the library!

I am almost to the point that I am going to put a sign on the door "Stupid People steal pages from free books and magazines, so don't come in if you are STUPID!" but my supervisors won't allow it.

It is brought to mind because of non attribution abounds on the Internet.

From View From The Porch and the munchkin wrangler, their take on the theft of stealing from the person that did the work...

Me, I see the books with missing pages, pictures and information, books I have to remove and destroy... it probably started with school work one was too lazy to research and cite properly. Or it is just "everybody does it" and they look at you as though you are a fool because you don't do it or don't understand how easy it is to become 'Everybody'. It isn't your fault you are bad.

I do know, that when I pick up a weapon, and follow all the rules, good advice and engage a target - it doesn't help me if I tried to lift Breda's performance from her last range visit - nope, that instant of target, trigger, bullet and I - is all my fault and I had better make my Mother proud.


Earl said...

Please check munchkinwrangler's site; I posted a comment there. Its hard to give credit when the place I got it from (private board, not an email as I originally sent you, sorry) didn't give credit.

... personal message deleted ...


Earl said...

From munchkinwrangler's site:

plagiarism, part XVII. Comments

January 4, 2009 at 10:36 am

OK, wow. Seems copying a post on another board has started a sh!tstorm.

First, let me apologize. I had no idea that a post I saw on a private board was something done for personal gain, and the original author got paid for it. Had it been attributed as such, I would have GLADLY given credit where it is due.

Secondly, I can not edit my post at Appleseed due to the fact that the post is locked. I tried, to no avail. If the post is unlocked, I would GLADLY post a link to the munchkin wrangler and my apologies for copying it.

For what its worth, I found the ‘article’, ‘blog entry’, ‘post’, whatever quite hilarious, and thought I’d post it on a board of fellow gun enthusiasts, as we usually see several of these firearms on the line at our shoots.

Once again, I am sorry for the plagiarism. Had I known the original source, I would have posted it, along with a link to the original.


So, lots of unintentional effects from trying to share the knowledge and hard feelings. Reminds me of the one of the rules of shooting, be sure of your target and what lies behind it - but I probably got that wrong, too.