Friday, March 13, 2009

Time for the week's end...

Okay, if I don't forget I will be married about thirty-seven years tomorrow, okay, exactly thirty-seven years. I only became aware of the date tomorrow as I picked up a card in the mail box from my sister and her husband, saved! I still remember sadly the day my son came up and got my attention after dinner and a long day and said "Dad, Mom says happy anniversary." how small could I get, don't know but I wasn't a very big guy in my mind that day.

I was riding my motorcycle through the freezing cold this morning and smiling and thinking and knowing that I have achieved real status in the world, I am steampunked! Wearing a leather coat, heavy harness ring boots, Duck Bib Overalls, gauntlets, Infantry Blue knit scarf (knitted by my girl friend), wrist compass, flashlight, Zippo, couple knives, riding the Trusty Triumph and faithfully following Victorian mores - I am steampunk. Then I found out that only I understood it and everyone else was just fine with me being Earl. Ah, well it was a thought and like most art one has to understand it to get it and be got. The girl friend is gone, I married her and have to remember where to get the flowers, card and time to spend with her. It isn't on this Internet...


threecollie said...


K-Dubyah said...

Happy Anniversary Earl and Mrs Earl!!

Even if you forgot the card and flowers, I don't think she would kick you to the curb... She realized long ago that you were a keeper. :)

Here's to a wonderful celebration for you two! {{Cheers}}

Old NFO said...

Happy Anniversary Earl and Mrs. Earl!

Long-time RN said...

Happy Anniversary Earl and your Mrs!