Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You know you are ancient when they call you 'young man'

It is still Winter, groundhog time has two weeks yet and the Equinox is about forty-eight hours beyond that, and when factoring in the coal fired electrical plants and Iranian and North Korean nuclear developments (where ever they are going with that) it could be May before it is sane and safe to ride a motorcycle in the Great Northwest. The weather man has had rain and cool forecast for weeks and has been delivering, so when he said SNOW on Sunday I knew I had to quit listening to him. What happened to the blond bubbly babe that once did the weather, it never mattered what she said, just that she was watchable?

I had my motorcycle in fine form, and they were trying to frighten me into staying in the cage, eating gasoline and soaking in depressing vibes, but I wanted to fly. So looking at the satellite cloud maps I found my day to roll out the Trusty Triumph and did. Temperature is in the forties and going to fifties briefly and that is warm enough. So I rode to work and warmed back up by walking the two miles down to the dock, worked and bought a Ginger Cake from the inmate bakery, went back home on my bike, smiling. For those that ride I can't tell you what it does to one's day when it fits so well (you already know); for those sleeping at the wheel in the cage, listening to Rush Limbaugh or NPR, talking on their cellphone, texting their one and only (and clones), that don't know how and when to shift the gears, add fuel, or call it a day -- y'all will never know.

If your way to work and home isn't an adventure and you are missing everything that you would pay attention to if you were one with your bike going over the same route--well, if that describes you then you will love having the Obama Government Cage take you through life. You don't have to know when to shift gears - the machine will do that for you, it will tell you when it is time to change oil, when your tires are under-inflated, when you are going too fast and losing traction, and remember when all else fails and you are about to crash into that tree because you never did learn how to drive yourself very well - there is the mandatory seatbelt law, speed limits, drunk and drugged driving prohibitions and finally an airbag and crash tests that will keep you safe and alive until the rescue folks show up to cut you free.

Oh, and aside from the days it is too cold and too wet, I will smile on my motorcycle rides - and they are so much cheaper per mile than the Obama Cage rides y'all will be taking - but then I have almost two years and 14,000 miles on this motorcycle. God must love me.

1 comment:

threecollie said...

You make it sound wonderful. Glad you had the chance to make the trip...