Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Safety first, or some reasonable amount...

I come home to an empty house, I don't know where my wife is, but I am certain that she is fine and will be here when it suits her. I don't track her cell phone, I don't call because my day is ruined and I don't worry because I recognize that she is an adult and can take care of herself and will find me when she needs more firepower or old wreck of a thug to snarl with his false teeth.

Ah, she is home and all is well. Not perfect, because the President is on my television and pre-empting my ABC World News - but I have missed it for the last seven days, so another won't hurt anyone except the pill sellers, and I don't get more than my doctor makes me. I am sure the President isn't going to fly his corporate jet over my home and scare me silly - C-17s, C-130s and some other stranger stuff fly close enough already. But then Air Force flying by is the sound of home to this former paratrooper. I know that swine flu is bothering some folks, but more people will die of drug addiction and he is already working with the Mexican President on that problem.

I do think the government is more in the way, and working way beyond its capabilities now than ever before. Things slow down, don't get done, but are measured and recorded endangering trees and the flow of real communication on the Internet. I give you a story, I want to protect my Trusty Triumph and its rider, so for the last two days while rain pours upon Washington it hasn't been out - I protected it, and drove the Caravan which hasn't been washed of the dusty from Idaho farm roads. Today, it was raining again when I woke, and I was willing to bet it would be clear by afternoon - so I protected my motorcycle again leaving it in the garage. Think of how safe its rider was in his cage, with seat belt fastened and helmet with full face shield and gauntlets on. A reflective vest would have completed the "safest motorcyclists on the road" theme. Of course, the motorcycle gets much better mileage, the rider smiles and laughs when riding on only two wheels and bound by physics to the surface below. And the Sun was shining, my neighbor is cutting his yard, the deputy's yard and likely the neighbor across the street, I am such a slug. I just blog about how protected I am, just hit those keys tenderly and nothing bad can happen to this so well protected person. Oops, I tripped over the stream iron's cord, and it came flying at me, it was hot and wet and so unwanted.

well, I have heard that one can't have progress nor profit without some risk, and only those folks that think they are more responsible than I - have the time to come up with all their safety rules that some of us can't spend the time reading.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

yeah Earl - OUR risk, THEIR profit... dammit...