there is a bear loose on McNeil Island, and for some fool reason they are going to try and trap it and release it in another better area. The bear swam to the island, because it saw it as a better area already... no body is asking the bear. But they aren't discussing the location of the bear on the radio anymore -- do you think there is a ranger missing?
I was host and trainer for a visiting Library Keeper from the Women's Corrections Center, he normally has twenty patrons when he is open. He was visiting for familiarization and preparing to replace me for a few days while I go off to tropical paradise with my much better half. He told me that once he has replaced me that I will be expected to replace him some time - I have ducked working in the women's facility for many years now, I hope to continue the streak. It was interesting to see my facility and what I do from another's eyes. So we had a good time, got a lot of work done and the differences in the patrons and the interlibrary loan load was quickly obvious. The Institutional Library Service is understaffed, and any illness, family emergency, general time off for exotic vacations or NRA conventions has to be answered by some coverage (normally by the Supervisors that have their own work) or just closing the library - and a closed library sucks (according to one irate inmate).
There was the kind of frenzy with Acquisitions about purchase order shopping for McNeil Island's library, but they came through with the faxed authority and amounts and I put up the signs saying that the library is closed on Thursday so Earl can go shopping for books. They gave me $2400 plus to spend, I will be hitting two bookstores and have made the coordination calls and have a shopping list, which helps but never enough. Still I know what will fill in the dollars I haven't dedicated yet.
Home to wife and Summer, the motorcycle purring under me, an admiring comment from an observer as I wait by an intersection, keeps me smiling, ya know? Oyster stew last night, and clam chowder tonight all from the shores of Washington State, thank you beachcombing wife. I finish my evening with more work on the M1 Garand, study, disassemble, maintain and reassemble. Having so few rounds left for the Paratrooping Red Monkey Zombie hordes, I will have to start shooting the Stevens target rifle again, and rebuild the supply of 30-06.
I heard a story at the range, seems a young woman came into (inherited upon the passing of a family member) some firearms, and not being involved in shooting nor politically as aware as she is now -- she got rid of them, safely. Sigh, reminds me of the Corvette Stingray in the barn behind the old rusting junk... and makes me wish I had been there to see what the firearms were. Well, she is a Rifleman now, and will be looking seriously for a rifle - if she shows up at your shoot, encourage her to try your rifle out and tell her about it. She will only need two - one that shoots twenty-two and one of larger faster bullets - I thought a .223 would work, but what would I know?
Many years ago I chatted with a firearms instructor who was running a private class for two women at a range in SE VA. He was of the opinion that the AR-15 platform was ideal for introducing new shooters to centerfire rifles.
I've used my M-4 to teach kids/females with no problem, other than they DON'T want to stop! Enjoy the vacation!
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