Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Movie Review...

Well, Sunday afternoon's motorcycle ride had me meeting my ideal romantic interest at about eighty miles an hour, she in black leather on a black Japanese street racer, and I on my Trusty Triumph, she was young, slender and brunette and so lucky I am so old and very married. She waved and I answered, she was going South and I was headed North and I won't tell you what road we were on, she might be a reader of this blog (yes, I still have illusions of greatness). She did fit my pattern of women I pay attention to, but then I went to the movies today with the woman that was and still is all I ever need to pay attention to...

The movie is Fighting and I thought it was a great date movie, but then my date is usually sleeping in SciFi movies or ones with long dialogue and Elizabethan English. My date was once one of the most dangerous women I knew, but only in the most gentle manner - not one to wield blades nor blast bullets but certainly a bone breaking bruiser of improper unlady-like refinement. The story-line is a fairy tale, nice views of the grime of New York where the tourists aren't going, where people are probably carrying illegal guns but that wasn't in the story too much. Anyway, she liked the movie and all the story and all the action and that is high recommendation from her side. I loved the movie, don't know any of the actors and could care less about the director and camera guy --- except this was the first movie that by the last fight had my body twitching in response to the fight on the screen - and when I caught myself on the second block and combination I started laughing at myself - but really appreciated how difficult that was to achieve - I am not the kind of guy that gets reacting to movies like I was there - I can read to that level but not just watch, until today. If you never fought upclose and terribly personal since school yard bullying - well, you might not get it, but this movie dragged me onto the floor better than most. So if you can catch the matinee, get a military or Senior discount and aren't out getting the fields planted while the sun shines and the rains hold off a bit - it is worth the look. I will be buying it in DVD one day, just that kind of a movie that I will want to see again.

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