The Sun is shining, the day looks great so I have to go gently jog and wander through my day, it is the Lord's.
The only little idea I want to share is about the current medical thought that most people are running their body at high immune resistance mode - all the time - seeking out and killing off all the bad germs, virus and sundries... Dr. Barry Sears writes about it well, he seeks to move people into the ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE, where the natural rest period of the body's immune system can recover -- for most of us we pop anti-oxidants because someone on television says we should, so we don't get old and wrinkled and stay sexy or something close.
I am not here to say that he is correct or anything I just want to note -- the current State and Federal governments have been acting like it is World War II and the Great Depression for years -- just like an over-reaction to little problems, mobilizing all the resources and slamming them where it looks like something has been done. And like the body that runs on constant high immunity mode - it takes too much away and allows weakness to show up when real trouble appears. Not being an economist, politician, medical practitioner nor philosopher I may have lost everyone, but I send you back to the boy who cried wolf and know you are with me - unless you are a real sheep herder from Wyoming near Yellowstone....
Just a little something to keep us distracted - so we don't see what the "other hand" is up to.
Yup, I happen to agree. Diversionary tactics. And the MSM is doing their best to further his agenda.
The kids nowadays don't know what it's like to make mudpies, go hiking thru the woods, or eat anything other than McD's or such...
We've created a generation of hypochondriacs. Here, pop a pill for that, and take this for the side effects, fever over 98? gulp some tylenol... Sheesh!!! Don't they know that a fever is the body's first defense against germs and infection?? Bunch of wussies.
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