Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Okay, it is official, we made world news!!!!

ABC covered us (Western Washington State & SEATTLE) and our HEAT WAVE, we that have been denying Global Warming as we slid around on excess snowfall all Winter, we have hit new records of triple digit Fahrenheit degrees (really bad if Canada hits triple digit temps).

Okay, so you turned in to find out what I am wearing when riding the Trusty Triumph, yes? Well, I wore my breathable jacket this morning, but packed it in the backpack and just loosened my tie and rode with my pocket protector and flapping tie as fast as those silly cars ahead of me would allow on the afternoon return trip. It is HOT!

Now this area has had Major Media Coverage before, CBS Sunday Morning covered our great looking baristas in little more that nothing serious blinding the imagination. So today as I rode my Trusty Triumph along Steilacoom Blvd, going to work, I glanced at the Bikini Bottomed Latte Stand and was pleasantly surprised to see the entire Barista standing outside her door being so much cooler while waiting for the next customer. I have to confess to not remembering her face, nor the color of hair (more than shoulder length!) - but I do know, she was wearing a bikini well, her tan was from a salon but smooth and nice, and her belly curved well. And I did look straight at her, and then back to keeping Gravity from affecting my ride and good health. She was definitely the center of conversation at the Depot, for the males reporting in after going by her.

I will have to admit, that there are some benefits of the Heat Wave - but I still am glad I am working in an air conditioned library. The picture above is from Lance, y'all take care out there and drink lots of liquid and don't exert yourself excessively...


Lance said...

Hello Dave - saw your post on my blog, and came on by. Thanks for posting my latte stand pic, although it looks like the ones in your area have more to offer (or should I say, less to offer???). I like the cavegirl look!

Great blog - I will stop by again!

Old NFO said...

Interesting :-) You should try back here, we get that weather, oh about 70 days a year...LOL

Lawyer said...

Library Keeper,

Sorry to crash in off topic, but I was referred here by Sailor Curt when I wrote a brief post asking for information on the Appleseed shoots. He said you may be able to provide me with some idea of what to expect. Any help you provide would be excellent and appreciated.

My email address is lawyerwithagun AT cox DOT net.

Thanks in advance.

Jeffro said...

Every thing ok, Earl? Haven't seen you out and about for a bit.