Friday, August 21, 2009

It isn't a secret, so expect an ambush on the way...

I am locked into going to WCCW and Google maps has me in their sights. This information can be lifted from the internet and all those people wanting to do me, personally, harm will be gathering at certain choke points to get me. Now, if you will just wait until I get my tinfoil cap off, I can mention that I have no idea if there are any such anywhere and that is a very good thing.

Facebook is a bit interesting, I have been found by Jeanie Johnson (now of another name), and am again friends with Tanya, her sister. Whom I remember from before she took off to school (yes, before kindergarten), and her picture is part of the happy from her mother. So long ago and so far away. I think I was the closest thing Tanya had to a pet of her own. Very long ago and far far away, almost another galaxy.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Funny how that works, as we age, we reach back to those we grew up with... Next weekend is my 40th HS reunion, and people are coming out of the woodwork!