Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not much in the news but I think... therefore...

ABC World News is alarmed by the number of women driving drunk, and wonders why the increase. Earl knows, wildly waving his hand for their attention, and he says it is because they don't have a man to do it for them.

Congress and the President think that there is too much uproar over Health Care Reform, but what should concern them isn't that the voters are paying attention and expecting better. What should concern them more is that they aren't trusted at all.

Voters make it simple for the professional politicians to understand, if they are passing good laws and programs they must be good for everyone. So the first people to get the Swine Flu vaccine should be CDC and Congress, and the first organizations, and people to get enrolled (forever) in the wonderful Health Care Plan from the Federal Government should be those officials. When that happens, then I will believe the plan is good for everyone. When that small group is too special to be enrolled in the Health Care Plan, it is too special for many other things...


threecollie said...

I would vote for that concept!

Old NFO said...

Agreed Earl!