I know nothing about optics and scopes, but need to learn so I buy a cheap one to mount on my single shot .22, and fool around and get it mounted and kind of lined up, you know using my calibrated eye-ball. So I go out to shoot the x off my target, and don't, I have to adjust the sights, up and right, up and right then just a bit more right. Done! I paste the target, kind of. Okay, now we work on the Remington 597 and see what I can hit with it. Umm, high left, so what do I do without Tech sights? Shift my Sight Picture to hit the center of the target, without pointing at it. I love Kentucky windage.... and I fire multiple magazines at the target, Can't wait for the Tech sights and slinging up, I will be dangerous.
Saw another old man with a beautiful M1 Garand, and he was shooting. I talked to him a bit, and wondered if I should have asked him if he had taught any young people how to shoot straight, but I didn't, but I should have... he likes shooting his rifle and that is step one.
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