Yeah, like my doctor and I have real dialog. I do have the visit and examination accomplished: Blood pressure is fine, 125/84. The blood test is really great TC 179, Trigli 98 HDL 61 and LDL a bit above 116 or so, I am cleared for one baby aspirin a day now. The only results left to find are about the replacement for the Thyroid hormones. I should have a new prescription by Friday for that, I am sure that isn't on target yet, which might explain part of my meltdown. The doctor was excited enough with my results and the technician was gentle and really professional about stabbing the needle in my arm and pulling out three vials of vital fluids (blood, just blood) that I was really happy to be rid of it. I was thinking I should send them some flowers in celebration of getting me and my blood pressure and cholesterol where the box says they should be. Don't get too excited, my wife says the doctor should send me the flowers and Earl figures that he is still going to die getting run down by a fourteen year old in a stolen car while jogging. They all goin' tah miss me when Iz gone.
I did try to tell the doctor that it was the motorcycling that had my blood pressure down, but I don't think he was buying it. Still I rode off a happy man, towards the Hot Bikini Latte stand, which I rode by and stopped at the McDonalds for a Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuit, walnut and fruit salad and a large black coffee. The biscuit would never have passed my mother's ideal of a proper biscuit (it was small!) but being an ancient it was probably the correct size to provide the fuel for my morning walk. I ate inside and watched a party of nine 'retired thank you' men having breakfast wondering why I hadn't gone to the Bikini Latte stand since I was motorcycling.
I finished the fruit and walnut salad and took the coffee outside to the Sunshine, sitting on my motorcycle and soaking up the warmth and the rays. Nice to slow down and take some time for ones self - a kind of healing right there. One day in the future I might be stopping for breakfast somewhere with a bunch of old men, or I might be fool enough to stop at the latte stand. You already know that I avoid women if you are paying attention. I do like fearless ones, competent ones and happy ones, but that all has nothing to do with gender - that is all in the way 'good to know' folks look at the world and me and share their best. If a woman doesn't smile all the way to her eyes, I am too close and need to back away.
Back on the Trusty Triumph and down the road, fill it up, buy the winning Lotto tickets (think positive it can't hurt) and ride off to park and walk down to the dock, another beautiful day in the Great Northwest, boy, when we get them we really get them, it would be eighty-three degrees at five on my ride home.
Work went swimmingly, patronage was light, but we were knocking out circulation, reshelving, ILL requests, information requests, clearing out departed patrons, and house keeping in general. I actually saw self motivated work by two of my new workers. That is a great thing. Now to be sure to say thanks for all the best that I have shared and get to bed early. I don't know if I can handle a full day of work after a part time one. But I will try.
I'm afraid your bikini clad barristas have run into a little problem (is this the same shop?)
Nope, not the same.
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