Of course I am interested, we can't shoot any in the Seattle Parks that have signs posted that there are no guns allowed - so I figure that is where all the bucks with more sense than rut will gather. Unfortunately for them, the rut rules, and Mayor Nickles knows that he was in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America, since he isn't going to be mayor soon, it doesn't matter. The city will pay the lawsuits, but it does show that fools still get elected to important positions and then don't know how to obey the law, doesn't it? Maybe a civilsuit against the fool instead of the office? I would be for that, his pockets aren't that deep but look at the message.
State Wildlife best guesstimate of 120,000 hunters looking for Bambi and close relatives there of, they had better not go to the city parks. I played a wargame, and packed the Caravan to go shooting paper in the pouring precipitation (RAIN!! with Thunderstorms and winds). I enjoyed the expanse of shooting positions, seems that those crowding me out the last few weekends are among those 120,000, go get'm guys and gals! I keep expecting to read about another deer harvested in Idaho, but haven't yet. Anyway, it was fun shooting, although I wasn't shooting like I thought I should be, wanted to blame it on the firearms, but they couldn't defend themselves and so I didn't. When I finished all that I could do, I decided to build my confidence back up and pulled the target rifle out, slung up, and started feeding it one bullet at a time, and shooting, one at a time, break the finger from the trigger, open and eject, cock the hammer, reload, close up and take aim and fire. Called my only flyer, and I was happy - that rifle still loves me and I had a group I could live with and brag about if I were that kind of a fellow.
I do think I am stuck in a different Century sometimes, single shot target rifle with iron sights, and that really works for me. And I don't have to hear about my happy finger, cause every shot is rebuilt from the floor, the sling doesn't move nor the non-firing elbow, but the rest does. well, I have damp rifles to clean, adjust and oil up a bit. Don't you just love the rain? Helps keep the blundering hunter sounds and scents down, but then the deer lay quieter than men, don't they?
Good guys shooting today, lent my binos for them's shooting too far and not knowing where their rounds were going. I talked to a young man (yes, they are all young now) with his new Assault Rifle (an AR with a Thompson Center barrel - sixteen inch) he wanted something he was familiar with - and was cleaning the crud off of it since it wasn't clean when he got it (?) someone was probably playing around before his purchase. He said it was for home defense, I asked why he hadn't purchased a shotgun, and he said that was on his list of to buy, but it would come after his CCW purchase. We went down and talked to another young man (I did say they all were young now) that had been firing his pistol but was now shooting his IMI Galil Assault rifle in 5.56mm. They talked rapidly about what was good and their next purchases (seems building an armory is high on their priorities) I had to laugh and mentioned something about the young being in a hurry. Do keep investing in arms, looks like there are young buyers out there, probably building them in Iraq and Afghanistan daily. Good guys, there was also a young family at the end of the line, all their rifles were the best the Communist could send America, bolt actions and semi-automatics.
Well, I have twelve new CMP chamber flags and one 54" synthetic sling (AWS all weather) by Turner Saddlery with the CMP logo, in brown, will look good with the M1 Garand, in the rain. Will leave the leather on for now. Leather like fine wood has a soul, as opposed to plastic and stamped metals... got to go and get the house ready for the return of my lovely wife. Later
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