Among the chores for today, was getting my updated car tags for the Caravan, and the kind benevolent government only asks thirty dollars for the tags, and then adds on bunch of fees and donations (?) until it totals out to $105.75. I went to a commercial place and paid them three more dollars for instant ratification. So I can legally run the roads of Washington and reciprocal governments that recognize the plates and want my lawful conduct doing good things in their neighborhood (Idaho, Canada, Oregon, Mexico and such). Since it has also been seven years that I have owned and operated the car, I get new plates with a new number - glad I don't use many motels that want me to remember that old number cause it is gone now. The Caravan is now 571 ZPP, and that could be for Zippy, but we all know about Caravans and Earl, Zippy might be correct for the Trusty Triumph but only on Earl's wilder days.
Then onward for registering my two rifles on Fort Lewis, and since I have a new tag number updating that on Fort Lewis, too. So I am giving the clerk all the forms, cards, numbers and best guesses, yes it is a twenty inch barrel, overall maybe thirty eight or thirty six inches. They didn't care about magazine capacity, and I didn't either. When they ran the Provost Marshals Office Ft. Lewis, WA Weapons Permit it runs onto a second page, I now seem to have too many firearms - fifteen is all that went on page one, one slid onto page two. I know there are many gun toting folks upset or straight out fearful of the government having too much knowledge about what weapons are where, and since the Commander at Fort Lewis (who has never thought through the implications of having registered weapons coming on and going off base - and not allowing unregistered weapons on base unless they belong to law enforcement folks) doesn't allow me to use the Post Ranges for my recreational shooting without being registered - I am content to register. When you look at my long history (over fifty years worth) with firearms and the number of crimes and injuries I have inflicted with the same --- I have to admit only when issued a weapon by the United States government has any living thing come to an end or grief, all my personal registered firearms haven't hurt anything that I wasn't hunting, with permission. So you see, registration does work - not that Earl would be a responsible sane adult male - some may think that was an oxymoron - but registering my firearms has kept them from terrible acts and accidents - 100% of the time registered. It really does work.
Now last point of today is that as mis-read and understood as the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution seems to be (I have family members that don't read it the same way I do, and my mother has a whole different set of views about law) isn't the government glad that we didn't write something like "The government has no Right to keep or bear arms against the People, every assumption of such a Right by the government must be infringed". Yeah, and when you think about that just a bit, can you truthfully tell me why POLICE have fully automatic weapons? I understand the military use and the tactics and training to make them effective, but POLICE?
Yeah, they do tend to add a fee or 'two' don't they! Nice Pic, but a few years ago I take it.
About October of 1988 or so, reading a poem for a Dining-in. That was a LONG time ago, wasn't it?
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