Monday, December 14, 2009

Coming off a real high, and into the dark deep...

I don't have the luxury of a day between Appleseed shoots and work, when I get home I upload pictures, unload the Caravan, check and reply to email, look at the RWVA forum for new input, and say hello to my wife as she feeds me a hot dinner, to sleep and next morning another computer check, dress and off to work. Those fine folks over the weekend made me so proud, the only thing I missed were a couple of children, they are always a joy to watch grow with their rifles. Still it was great to do the Appleseed and tell my wife and the world about it when I got home.

At work it is darkness, the budget cuts, the closings. My first meeting was with the Associate Superintendent - I mentioned when they change the prison to a camp it won't have a library, she mentioned that when it becomes a camp it won't have an Associate Superintendent, yeah. There are meetings about jobs, miles to the next one, time tables for the change over and the employee options on next. Normal chatty email is dry, lacking joy or any tone. Work is being done but the kidding and the jokes are gone - did see a great little clip of a police dog attacking and taking down a shooter - awesome! But I am not getting much support from my co-workers in their little libraries in the far reaches of the state - lonely hermits we will become. It didn't help that some political henchman put out an email to everyone that had something to the effect that the Federal money for prisons and mental hospitals should be released to be more flexible, so they can use it for other stuff. Sounds to me like I need to find more employment or that winning Lotto ticket.

Yeah, in my case more employment is first choice. Still I am not gloomy, there are too many good people in the world doing the best they can, and will always be so. So, although I will soon be sixty-too old to do much about it anymore. I will write my good-bye another day. I have work to do.


threecollie said...

I hope light soon appears in that darkness. These are hard times and I am sorry to read that you are getting hit with them so hard. Take care.

Long-time RN said...

Change can be challenging at any age, but those of us near retirement, but not quite there yet, are really facing tough times emotionally with the job cuts. We've got wisdom, but aren't always looked upon as first hired for jobs. Our country is changing fast, we're just trying to hang in there. Sorry to hear of the prison changes.

Your grandson is absolutely adorable.

Take care, Earl.

Old NFO said...

Hang in there Earl, there IS light at the end of the tunnel!