Friday, January 22, 2010

Earl in charge,

I like the Library, my whole life I have been able to go to the Library to find books and fill my mind. I remember the Bookmobile in Allegheny County and that special weekly trip to turn in and get my books, and I would read by the light of the street light coming through my window long after the official parents' "Lights Out!" got my first set of glasses not too long after. Before I paid attention to author's names I would go to the same section of the Library for more great books like the last one I read, in other words I had no idea how to find anything, but if the cover of the paperback had a lusty likely lady and a sword somewhere or a ship I would pick it up.

Adventures, History, the legends and myths, and real heroes all were fodder for my mind. I missed Christopher Robin, I had Robin Hood and King Arthur and the whole Trojan War and the old Bible peoples. Book stores weren't big when I was young, they seemed to show up with the Malls later. You have to have money for book stores. There were always libraries stuck in underused buildings and rooms in the military, that was really good for allowing me to study up for a college level examination, CLEP or end of subject exams. Those college credits worked for promotions and for later filling in of college credits. They also had lots to read about my profession, war, combat, training, weapons, soldiers, Marines and paratroopers. Yeah, libraries are important. During my last tour in Germany I had people reading behind me, we wrote our names in the checkout cards and everyone would know if you had read the book.

So, knowing the Library is a great opportunity for us poor folks, to be entertained and educated and enriched, I have worked in libraries at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma Public Library and with the Washington State Library mostly at McNeil Island Corrections Center. That is all coming to an end for me, I am retiring based upon the shortsightedness of other people and lack of tax money to throw around. Although, it does seem if I had been a "TOO BIG TO FAIL" bank I would have had enough money to stay open.

Earl would have two full time employees at each branch in each institution, and one supervisor per four branches and one program manager for it all - if Earl had been in charge. Because Earl knows when you have nothing left how much is inside those books, but the library has to be open, the books circulating and the patrons reading. The world isn't working under Earl's rules - I am just a tourist, a wandering worker and an adventurer that knew Henry Morgan's attacks on the Spanish in Panama long before I would ever know that it could be a rum.

A recent article about the budget for our state and lack of foresight: remember that giving money to something doesn't always mean it gets to that level of effectiveness you need, but closing the doors, hours and access to good library keepers will never a positive change in a patron, inmate or patient, bring about...

Even FarmVille has a library to buy and build your village with now, they still don't have any hounds or work dogs but they have a library.


threecollie said...

Libraries are wonderful and you describe their usefulness so well! What a sad...

Jeffro said...

Andrew Carnegie thought libraries were important. I'd bet he's rolling in his grave.

Old NFO said...

"but closing the doors, hours and access to good library keepers will never a positive change in a patron, inmate or patient"

This is so sad, on so many levels... The powers that be will spend money on 'social' programs, but not libraries which ARE the means and method to freedom and knowledge...

Long-time RN said...

So unfortunate. So much money wasted by our governement, so sad reading the loss of this facility.