Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have been caught making a safety error...

I didn't turn off the red light when I returned from checking my target down range, and started shooting another string with the light blinking. Well, I needed to change the sights a bit on the Micro Compact, and took only that pistol to the range - and since there wasn't anyone there I played with my Canon camera and took video of the shooting, so I can find all my faults, not that small powerful pistols are real precision instruments, but I like to think I am still not shooting up to the pistol's potential. I did get about four good solid videos of my shooting fifty rounds, and one picture of the target. I couldn't load a video on Blogger - it just doesn't like me, but I could load a video on FaceBook - seems they will do anything to keep their social network networking. Little do they know how much of a loner I am. Anyway, the rear sight is where I can live with it until I get better with the pistol, the front sight is next on my list -- right after learning how to shoot better. I asked for a DVD from IPSA (or something like that) from my local library - amazing how much stuff I can ask from now I don't work in a library. The Census folks were testing at our local branch.

I went on home and changed into jogging togs, took off slowly and then tapered off, got a beagle attached to me, the drivers honking at it thought I should take care of the wandering nose - but it wasn't listening to me, had no collar, no tag and no way to stay with me, I was way too slow. Good jog, no data, my heart rate went to 208 which didn't happen, and the watch shut down along the way - still over an hour on the road. One has to go and try to become better or one just needs a rocking chair.

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