Thursday, April 1, 2010

Book Review

Not that you should pay attention, the book I sent my mother to read wasn't appreciated, seems there were too many weapons and lots of excess death, bodies abound. It fits with the fact she is a woman, and I a man and we don't see nor think about the world in the same way - which is the point of my reading The Female Brain.

This quick review is of The Dangerous Book for Boys, by Conn and Hal Iggulden.

Excellent, and dangerous yes. Would I bar it from homes, libraries or prisons? NO

I will likely buy one for my grandson when he gets closer to reading and finding out about not being a child and certainly not a girl, and his mother and my wife will worry about me having lost it all, but then that is my role in the world.

Two great parts,(there are lots of great parts - even poetry and English grammar), Advice about Girls, number seven and eight nail it perfectly. Having been without them often enough to know about that 'one long football locker room'. Don't look it up, ladies, this book is about boys and what men need to share with them, honest. The second part worth mentioning is Dog Tricks and number 15 is perfect, for boy and dog. Only missing Heinlein in recommended reading was a short coming, but then you will read what draws you, and they had lots of good stuff that I have read and recommend. This is an Earl recommended book for boys, they do need to read more, Dads, uncles and interested adult males check it out - you should know what is out there they might read and enjoy.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

I'll have to get a copy for my grandson :-) Thanks!