Lots on my mind, totally out of control, I packed out after breakfast and hit the road, and had this strange sight in my right mirror - my load was leaving me a bump at a time - I didn't lose anything, but it had shifted to where I was uncomfortable, so after a couple half hearted attempts I stopped and redid the problems. It is so warm that the leather jacket works nicely around the laptop. And I took out the four bungie staps and hooked them up and nothing has moved since, and I could take off my computer and get my call to my wife easily... now if the mosquitoes of fame (here in Minnesota) would leave me alone, all my weight loss would be from no television, recliner, and refrigerator access.
Between struggles with poor packing, I sang hymns to myself - not remembering it was Sunday until I looked at my watch and realized it was Church Choir time, although we don't really do choir in the Summer -- as I sped down the road, the speed limit is seventy-five or not.
One set of thoughts was the beauty of the rich farmland and pasture - the way the cattle know someone is coming to feed them special - the big still too wet spots Farmer Frank was telling about killing corn and slowing beans. I do see honey bees in South Dakota and Minnesota - but not around cell phone towers. Minnesota is planting wind mills and stringing wire to carry the load. It is strange to watch eight slow rotating mills and then see one not moving, I want to ask what its problem is get with it now. Also, wouldn't it look prettier if they were all turning in sync?
Another set of thoughts was the other motorcycle riders going West disappeared during the heat of the day, like there was something to see beside fast roadway. I rode on, I had seen another motorcyclist at a Subway with a Bronze Bison out front yesterday, then today at a lunch stop at a McDonalds in a small town, there he was again, and I said 'I remember you from the Subway.' he thought and agreed. Later on down the road I pulled into a rest stop and saw his motorcycle, he was on a picnic bench sleeping. When I pulled over to rest I fell asleep on the bench seat for a solid hour, waking and going to my Trusty Triumph I found I hadn't removed the key, and no one had removed my motorcycle. When I pulled into the Minnesota Welcome Center I met the young man again and we talked a bit, he is going to Winona.
Thinking about this trip and what I had planned and how it is going so far, I am glad that I don't really lock into a wonderful fantasy, much better to be surprised by good stuff, it doesn seem to be everywhere. One thing I had thought about was meeting famous bloggers - well, the ones I read anyway. But then it is kind of like, chasing movie stars or something. Got to allow them to have their own life, isn't it good enough that we met on the internet, or a shoot somewhere? Would dislike being thought of as a pest, a stalker, or just plain unwanted (one of my favorite songs is "nobody loves me"). Well, I can only stop for a bit to say hello and find out how they are, by Saturday I have places to be. Will see my aunt tomorrow, a cousin the next day and then zoom, zoom, zoom miles to go before I rest. Like I told my nephew, we don't know we will be here again, take advantage of this opportunity. My mother's email tells of her and her sister deciding they didn't want to go to Glacier National Park, they wanted Yellowstone and so got neither. Hope your Summer is going swimmingly out there.
1 comment:
Sounds like your trip is going pretty well...you must be seeing some amazing sights! Thanks for sharing your travels.
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