The End of the World As We Knew It, is coming more rapidly than I am Aging.
Seriously, it is on the way. How do I know, because the signs are all around me and other bloggers are talking about how prepared they are, or aren't. I think the largest sign of complete collapse is the desire of children to have the government take care of them. Really, when showing you have a piece of paper means you can teach, doctor, nurse, fight, are safe from the spousal abuser -- well, you have achieved what I have on my computer with a multi-trillion dollar hook-up with a GAME - nothing of permanence, only valuable for play (which is important) which won't build or re-build CIVILIZATION (which is another computer game). Adults go out and live and work and build their little piece of the world, but there seem to be more children. One should work on their own retirement (and I think dying in the traces is best). Now, I do think that many people will curl up and die in the darkest safest place they can find. But there are many that will just adapt and overcome, and some one from the government will be by to help you, tax you and try to make you dependent again... or else. Or, if they really don't get it in Washington, DC. there will be one of the largest die offs there, and some wandering bandits, mercenaries or bad boys will be by to help themselves. But most of you are armed and think you are dangerous.
I am spending too much time on the French and Indian War era, people did a lot for themselves in those days, but many died when cut off from civilization. Remember, families that raise children, neighbors that help each other, communities that have good rules for getting along, and lots of work for everyone. What did they once call obsolete computers? A door stop? Oh, and make sure you wash your hands.
If the "End of the World as We Know It" arrives and disrupts the supply line to my pharmacy, I'm toast. It won't matter if I've got wheat for grinding flour, or tons of beef jerky, or dried beans and seeds for a garden, or whatever. I'm toast.
Miracles of modern medicine, but we know it wouldn't happen to us. Still, I am sure the Village life would grow and prosper - few hundred families per. Cities would be treasure troves for looters and resourceful folks, but wouldn't want to live there - Rats, two and four legged.
Good points Earl, it isn't a game, it's real life, and too many people don't know how to 'play' it...
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