I was happier to get home and recover the pictures of the trip than I was to worry over the motorcycle, laptop and camera. I still have another digital Canon, bigger but with the similar features. The rice drying hasn't worked yet, but I have patience. In dollar cost the motorcycle adventure will not be that much more expensive than flying and renting a car - and if I win the Lotto I could move up to something bigger and bolder (at my age?). My brother offered to pick it up and take it to Denver to get repaired, but except for his opportunity to see our niece and the children it would be a chore and I would some day have to meet it. I think the bike here will work better. I also need to find work to support my habits, don't I?
Big event of today is the doctor's visit for tests and such - in a few days we will know more. I did lose weight on the trip, jogging gently is highly recommended, and watching what one eats. Automatic eating is like auto feeding - fatter rats in both cases. After the tests and such I will find a large black coffee and breakfast gruel, then change into work clothes. Yards to edge and then rake up and clean. Bills to pay and a longer gentle jog to get back into the swing of things, that part of the garage looks empty where the Trusty Triumph normally waits. My wife has been very happy that I got home safe, and she is sleeping much better now, there was a large mallet and whistle beside her sleeping pad. I always ask about the whistle, must have been from watching an Oprah show. I recommend the cell phone with the 911 button for calling immediately upon recognition of danger. The whistle doesn't work for me. The mallet isn't bad, but I would have picked a tomahawk or hatchet myself. Heavy and it cuts, she probably is thinking of blood everywhere that she doesn't want to clean up.
Glad you are safe. Memories,, it is said, are worth the effort.(don't know about the cost) I am glad some photos were saved along the way.
Sorry the rice suggestion didn't work... If it made her feel better, that's what counts, right?
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