It was suggested yesterday that you count the number of grunts and groans and aches you have as you move from resting on the grass to getting up for the next game you are playing for the honor of your team. It was church games yesterday in the park, lots of food and games - I started on the tug of war, which we won the first two. Then they changed the rules, we would find that often - if we were too successful the staff would change the rules. The Sun shined, the breeze blew and we did have a great time, lots of good food.
I had started my day normally, jogging a little over an hour to get the juices flowing, then cleaned up and dressed for the games, we had to wear white for that was our team color. My T-shirt said, I am Retired this is as dressed up as I get, or something like that. Before anything happened I was paying a dollar to park in the park that my taxes have paid for for years, and years of living here. But as a Senior, over 62, I only paid one dollar, every other car had to pay three.
My team played at kickball, lost when they changed the rules, then the old men's relay. I liked running the relay - would have been happier if I hadn't been hauling so much excess. Still I am glad I can run, just wish I looked as graceful as the children did. Well, there were prizes for everyone and my sunscreen worked.
We returned home to laze away the remainder of the day, and find tinges of surprise as we recovered. Interesting muscles used in the tug of war. I had a full glass of wine, three Aspirin and went to sleep on a heated mattress. I woke early, went on another early morning jog before church - being a rest day I kept the pace down, and came in at one hour and ten minutes. Good start for the day.
It is the end of the day, I have the lap top open and working, and I am typing this on it. The camera, has a memory card and battery problem - I will keep working the issue. Tuesday I start looking for my motorcycle's movement.
Sounds like it was fun. We're going to the neighborhood association's Fourth of July picnic in about an hour. First time since Mom moved to NC without her. I will miss her today.
Glad y'all had a good day Earl, and still being able to move is a blessing!
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