Thursday, October 20, 2011

Important point to make...

The ability to give information with fewer characters is important for typists. So we have NFL (No Fire Line or National Football League), one is for saving lives and the other is entertainment. Do you know some others that quickly share information? Of course you do.

Recently (last forty years?) this shorthand, short cut has been abused. Instead of using "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Too many people say "The Second Amendment" and EVERYBODY KNOWS what it is and that means. I don't think they really do, nine justices on the Supreme Court and they have their staff and aides reading, writing and whithering around the words and intent of that amendment. Every time we use the shorthand version, the light grows dimmer. The nine justices cannot read the simple statement the same way. We have a better education system in the Twenty-first Century than they did in the Eighteenth?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Early note not the final version)

Of course, if your intent is to destroy a free State - then disarming the People by infringing on their right is a good step. Yes it is...


Old NFO said...

Excellent point Earl! And the other problem with acronyms is they don't ALWAYS mean the same thing to people as you pointed out...

Rifleslinger said...

Excellent point Earl. You still don't disappoint.

Funny how people ignore the first part of the 2nd Amendment, the part that describes their responsibility, and how it's necessary. Or maybe it's not funny, just sad.