Thursday, November 3, 2011

Errant thoughts while on the heart walk...

The importance of the 2012 election cannot be understated. Unfortunately, it seems both major political parties and the Mainstream Media want America, land of the Free and home of the Brave, to continue to become the place of Dependent and Fearful. It can't fail, can it, the last Superpower?

The Occupy to Get Attention Deficit folks have to burn the place down, the media finds their supporters, the 99% fools. Ah, actually I am more impressed with the 53% folks.

Ah, well, I have hopes that the Political Parties will chose excellent candidates for all positions of service to their voters, you know Representatives of the People? Not Ruling Elites! But I have noticed that institutions and organizations take on a life, and survival is part of their characteristic strength and weakness. So the media, the political parties aren't just looking at making America better as much as their special project - their objective to make it pay them, protect them, produce more of them... Ruling Elite; politicians and media mogols.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

We the people haven't had a REAL representative in a long time Earl...