Seems that the Corrections Center at McNeil Island has spread that slimy criminal morality around, corrupting everyone. So, Ms. Accounting for the money? Don't you know only stupid people committ crimes in public? We thought we could trust the government, it isn't like the BIA Trust Fund accounting? Is it?
Ah, I shouldn't talk about stupid people, my Credit Union online banking service has locked me out of my account, again. It is for my protection and I only have to go to the Credit Union, during their open hours and talk to a real human being and bow fifteen times and plead with for mercy so I can get back online. I refuse. I am too stupid to be trusted with access to my account, through computers and cookies and their security systems - I know the high school I graduated from but I can't see what I typed - so did I hit the keys correctly? Only the computer gods know. So I write, six checks to spend my money, and seal and stamp five envelopes and I am a good citizen again. Without the online services of my Credit Union, for my own protection - actually it is for their protection isn't it? I really shouldn't talk about stupid people (me?), but should go bust some caps.
Granted, this isn't the nest place to do it but I wanted to say thank you for serving. You may not hear that often enough but there are proud Americans like me, who appreciate it. Thank You!
ARGH! I meant BEST place! OOPS
I was trying to pay my phone bill online earlier this week. I wasn't allowed onto the site because I didn't have my supersecret code they mailed me, ostensibly to improve my customer experience. This is another code in addition to my already secret login and password. I don't know it, I don't have it, I don't know where it is!
If anyone wants to break into my account and pay my bill for me, I say go for it!
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