Light fog yesterday, but the weather man has been promising Sunshine and warm weather, so I rode the trusty Triumph. There is little room to park, seems that the fair weather riders have brought their shiny steeds out to play and display. I like that, I see three bald eagles soaring and think that Harley-Davidson is correct to pick the eagle as their emblem - standing for made in America, and coming out only in the best of the weather, and beautiful to watch soar and roar, respectively.
Lots of wild life, two raccoons are digging along the beach at low tide, geese honking in our air, seagulls just soaring in the breeze and ravens flapping furiously trying to keep up with the food chain. Three deer were brousing in the apartment complex, must not be hunting season in town. The smallest of birds seem to be engaged in building nests in hard to reach places. It is Springtime and feels like it, finally.
Library's last open day for the week, Thursday. Today I have to be in Tumwater to help present the ILS blog site and concept to the Secretary of State, it isn't quite ready for prime time - being our public face, for the folks that don't get out much (Institutional Library Services), we would like to share our best and encourage more come in to work with us. Lonely loves company.
I had a normal day at the office, except one patron that started to talk about his family history - which I had helped him research once - and he started to get loud and offended by the other inmates, who were teasing him. When he went into shouting foul language I stopped him, told him not to do that, and when he started to get louder and defensive with me I told him to go out of the library - now. He didn't go and tried talking me down and I started looking for the amber button on my radio as I reinforced that he had to leave now, and I was not happy that I was going to have to call the correction officers to escort him out. He caught that, and said he was going and left. If the officers had come he would have gone to F-unit for failing to comply with my order. The other inmates told me that I had shown real patience - I thought I was one step behind during the incident. He was from lower A unit, which are the inmates that are under mental health care and often on medications for their particular problems. I will have to do better.
The ride home was great, dinner was salmon and my smiling wife, I check the blogs and find folks going to Louisville, and I think of a friend that lives there now - hope she is well. All the news that is fit to print from the gun bloggers and the NRA this coming week, I will be reading when not riding and cutting my growing grass and bettering the world that I live and love in.
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