Wednesday, May 14, 2008

End of the World

Political certainty aside, the Mayan Civilization (which isn't working well anymore) predicted the end of the World by water or whatever in 2012, or MMXII. Having lived through the Y2K destruction of cybers spaced by short sighted programmers, I am not really concerned except for the WATER thing. Seems I have read a book that said Earth would not be destroyed by water, again. We have rainbows to remind us, unless you believe Scientiphick envidence that there never was a great flood during the last great Global Warming, caused by Cavemen with uncontrolled fires, hot climates with lots of green growing things eaten by large mammals that never returned after Cavemen started hunting with dogs and Clovis pointed spear tips. All always gored aside, the water thing still haunts me.

So how about this great Jupiter size drop of water, all H2O, sailing through space and striking the Moon and then Earth and why not? Maybe intelligent alien life was sending it to irrigate Mars and they missed by a bundle of miles and eons of time. It reads better than that old Y2K fear.

Well, all else being equal - high gasoline prices, food prices and taxes - I am all for washing it away to get down to the good stuff.


breda said...

when does the boat building start? I have a hammer!

Anonymous said...

A late comment on the "Once upon a "post. You are important, to those in the work setting, your family, the men you lead in the past, and those of us who enjoy your writing and thoughts.
The end of the world-if it happens, let it be quick and painless. Humans have sure screwed up the planet. The choices to lead us into the future are looking dismal.
Cathy B

Earl said...

Ah, the real future, in loving and raising those future generations and getting them out doing great stuff. I do need to work on my writing skills, I thought I was dwelling on the truths I learned - which still hold - and I must have sounded sad and alone, my gloom only darkens, better get out that smile.