I see that why one carries a weapon is a current topic, and Concealed Carry Permits are trigger words - cute, huh? So since I was carrying a weapon today, with nary a thought about shooting someone - why did I do it?
Well, I am well trained in weapons, to the degree that once men of judgment appointed me the EXPERT on combat pistols, and rifles. So I would organize my classes, conduct practices, and qualification runs until all the soldiers were qualified. I haven't written a book nor run competition ranges, but I have trained soldiers for combat and that is enough.
Since I had the power of weapons in my hands I had to come to a philosophy that met the requirements of when to use the weapons and why it would be the right thing to do. I have that philosophy, and I know when I will use the weapons and take life. But my thoughts aren't public, and I think it is much too serious, taking life, to throw out for others to chew upon and judge me and my actions in situations still to come. I won't allow you to judge me on my actions in the past that you don't know about - you will have to trust me, as I do you.
I have said in the past that I didn't want to carry a weapon that I wasn't going to use - because it is heavy and a bit of a bother. Restrictions of carry being the most annoying, most of my life being trusted and unrestricted with weapons and ammunition I find the Gun Free Zones stupid and unbearable - why do I suffer fools in positions of power? Because I don't pay much attention to fools and don't live my life by their stupidity.
Recently I have begun to carry a weapon for the belief that I should as a responsible adult. I should love my fellow man, should help render aid to the hurt and unfortunate, that I should support good government, that I should smile and be polite. Yes, as a responsible adult I should be a good citizen and I should be prepared to do what I can to help in all emergency situations and to promote good citizenship in our youth and make the world a better place to live and love.
You should carry a weapon, you should know how to render first aid, you should know how to fill sand bags, you should be willing to step up and bring peaceful resolution to stupid confrontations, you should be polite and make the day brighter for us all. I trust you will prepare for the worst and bring about the best, really I do trust you, you are a responsible adult aren't you?
I have never carried a weapon, yet I have had a student threaten to shoot me (actually, "put a plug in your skull" was how he put it), so what is my excuse? I have none, and I feel no need for one. You may carry your weapon, concealed or not, with my blessing since I know that you are not one to take it out and use it in a fit of anger. I will not since I would be more of a menace with one than with my wits. How's that?
There is a first aid kit in the car, with jumper cables, I put a working Zippo lighter in my pocket and I had three knives, a pen and paper, blankets and food, and water - again in the car. You should know how to use the weapons, make them safe and then remember that student wasn't a responsible adult - I am sure you made sure that he was punished by the authorities for threatening your life. You have your philosophy to live by, which is why I don't get into mine, take care and go gently.
Excellent post Earl- I too carry on a daily basis and for the same reasons. One thing I do find it that I am very polite, knowing that I do NOT want to provoke a confrontation over little or nothing.
Each of our philosophies are governed by our life experiences and our beliefs.
I have examined myself and come to the conclusion that the way I react to events would make a weapon in my hands more harmful than helpful. I would be like those "security guards" at that church in Colorado where that guy went on a shooting rampage. There were three or four people with weapons who could have stopped him, but only one person -- a former police woman with weapons training -- had the right mentality and training to pull her weapon and run *toward* the sounds of the shots until she acquired her target and took the perp out.
Do I have that mentality and training? No. So I leave the weapon at home, where the decision to use or not use is simpler -- if someone smashes through my door, they are either a bad guy or a cop. In the former case it is the correct action to shoot him. In the latter case my only crimes are those of dissent against the ruling regime meaning that it is part of a tyrannical roundup of dissidents in preparation for dictatorship, and again I feel no moral qualms about use of a weapon or confusion about the necessity of using said weapon.
In the end, this is a decision that each individual has to make for him or herself by looking at his or her own mentality, training, and way of reacting to the world. Any blanket statement made here is as ridiculous as ascribing certain qualities to people based solely upon race -- i.e., *dumb*. We're all different, and for some of us that makes effective and safe use of weapons impossible outside of certain well-known and planned circumstances. It is each person's responsibility to make that choice, and a blanket statement neither removes nor excuses such choice.
- Badtux the Sometimes-armed Penguin
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