Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't want to go to work today...

Should just go back to bed and sleep until aroused... but then I would be adding to the overall economic failure of the Obama Administration, so get up and out and make the doughnuts. I caught the President making a remark about the steroid abuse in the Major Leagues, the tragedy is in the abuse in Pony League and High School not in the Majors where everyone was making lots of money for slow stupid death. And medically steroids are important for healing and growth. Now his thinking that the ball players are role models and should be above this was interesting, but didn't he just approve Federal Funding (more stimulus?) of embroynic stem cell research? Wait until you see the monsters we will get from that, amazing that he can't make the connection of good science and medicine used for all the wrong reasons by people for profit and pretty. Kind of like morphine and such - used properly a fine medicine, otherwise slow stupid death.

I liken the current frenzy to protect us from Economic Disaster, or Terrorist Attack, to the Body Armor of Knights of old, or those fine Infantry sitting in armored HMMVs. You aren't light on your feet, take too long to dress, spend too much energy in lift and motion and only work at thirty percent efficiency in combat. As the Federal Government protects us from all our follies and foolishness and failures - we will become less able to take care of ourselves - we will be looking for someone else to care for us. Well, maybe you will, I will be in hiding or just worn out paying for more taxes for all the wonderful protections in place.


Old NFO said...

I'm sorry, but I'm about to the point of let it fail... Let all the un-profitable businesses go under, the forclosures continue, etc. until stability is reached. Remember the late '70s? It was this bad with unemployment at the end of the Viet Nam war and we came out of it okay.

Earl said...

Ah, it was never this terrible before, was it? Germany rebuilding after WWI and WWII - nice country to visit, but they have been farther down than the US has ever been. Japan after WWII, and their current ups and downs while tied to American economy.... hmm, I would have allowed the failures,too, but I only have an opinion which those really smart folks in Washington and Wallstreet ignore so well. But I am not at the point of economic collapse for my foolishness am I? How did that happen? Congress hadn't given away more than I and the rest of working America could repay (does seem to be a train wreck in our future doesn't it?).