Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's NOT the real LAW....


A few people don't like that idea, but that's the way it has to be. It's not me, folks, it's the law, and we will not break the law in any way, shape, or form; that's not who we are. We are here to change the law, not to become criminals. This march will be peaceful and law-abiding. End of story.

The above is from the 2nd Amendment March, and that is why we need another education system, the Law started with establishing the Constitution, and it went downhill from there. Before there was a Washington D. C. there was the approved and important Bill of Rights tacked on to the Constitution. Okay, quibble a bit, the establishment of the District is before the ratification of the Bill of Rights, but what you see as Washington D.C. was still mostly good intentions and plans for a swampy area around the Potomac River when the Bill of Rights was debated and accepted as the necessary part of the new government. So the real law breakers are all those swearing to defend the Constitution and enacting laws against the Rights of the People.

This is good to look at closely, it is the second time I have run into People of the Gun, trying to be good law abiding citizens and make changes in bad law and bad politicians and our temporary rulers. It is good to have real discussion, assemble without arms and provocation, and it is very important to maintain your citizenship because once they make you a riotous, dangerous, gun toting, felon you lose all those rights that they disregard already. And I don't think violence will cause much except death and destruction, so I don't hold with the fool stuff of taking up arms against much of anything. If you want to make more points disregard those fools in power - all the criminals are. Look at what the government is doing for illegal immigrants - every one a law breaker. Look at what they do for drug abusers and alcoholics. One day they will decide that carrying a gun is an addiction and we will receive treatment programs after we are caught. In Vietnam they are called Re-education Camps.

Back to basics, the idea and the activity of a mass demonstration in Washington, DC in support of the 2nd Amendment is a great idea - participate! Those that have to carry guns go to Arlington, Virginia and walk the among our heroes in their rest, talk to the dead that carried weapons in defense of our future and their past. Yeah, I know it is a National Park and someone will say bearing arms there is disrespectful, but they have been wrong before and probably will be again. If you go to DC, always visit Arlington and walk the graves and talk to the fallen, read the stones, know that your Founding Fathers were all in rebellion against the King over things like the right to keep and bear arms, taxes and self government (law breakers extraordinary!). Ask yourself where they would be standing if we were holding a peaceful demonstration in support of the basic law for Federal Government, I know Hamilton and Jefferson wouldn't be seeing eye to eye, but they did get their differences expressed and cobbled together a fine document. Go to the Demonstration, one warm happy body, at peace with self and the potential of America - Land of the FREE, Home of the BRAVE. Just remember, if you weren't so nice, you would be carrying, if there were not such fools in charge -- it wouldn't be against the law it would be an adult requirement. Vote them out in 2010.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Let's see ... if we could get 10% of 90 million gun owners there, that would be 9 million people. If we could get 1% that would be 900,000.

I hope it happens.

And no one should visit Arlington without a visit specifically to the tomb of the unknown soldier. "Known but to God"