Monday, March 16, 2009

You didn't make my day, did you???

Gosh, don't mess with the grumpy old guy in the corner.

Well, I should look like this, went to work and found no supervisor, no computer internet access, no outgoing telephone service - so I was back in the days of card catalog, typewriter and stubby pencils. Amazing how bound to technology I am, sigh, all because (RUMOR ALERT!) because an inmate hacker got on a computer that his supervisor wasn't watching closely enough. He is now in the Hole and if I knew his name he would never get anymore library support, but I won't ask his name - just send him all the oldest programming books I can find.... not really, his being a dangerous fool is too close to my own affliction - we could be cousins, but I don't play with computers.

My personal problems are growing but my praying is getting louder and more often so I think it will work.


Anonymous said...

See, that's the look I give students who have transgressed. It says, "You've both disappointed me and pissed me off."

Jeffro said...

Heh. You can't fool me - I know better! ;)