Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Progress, isn't it just amazing? yes it is...

I can move in several hours to my mother or my son, and visit or find work and move in. Or they could move in my direction - well, my mother probably can't and since Washington joined Oregon in assisted suicide I wouldn't want my mother here anyway - she has told me for years if she lived in the same house as I did I would kill her. I did live in the same house as she did for years and I never killed her then, I did lots of running away and trying to keep her from messing up my life with other people (I could mess it up well on my own, thank you!)

So with things worrying at my wife, no real conversations between people hiding stuff from each other, wanting to make life better but not willing to give up control, or personal desires, nor the ability to make everyone feel guilty for not making your life better, and knowing that any President, no matter how many Rolling Stone covers he graced, can help. I give up! Maybe if I sleep on the problem the answer will wake me.

The morning after: my mother is buying a cart to carry her around, staying where she is and I have had a full night's sleep -- see what worrying gets me? Wrinkles and gray hair.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Been there, done that... sometimes that 8 hour delay produces all the answers needed :-)