Friday, March 20, 2009

I received my renewed Concealed Pistol License...

and no matter what the anti gun crowd says - no child has been shot, not one suicide in this home, and I have never been involved in a gun fight in the street, at the Mall nor during someone else's road rage. Of course, I respect life and fine shooting and good weapons of many kinds, that and the fact that more good things are done with the firearms than what the criminals do with them.

Today is the first day of Spring, 80% chance of rain, highs in the fifties - yes, that is motorcycle riding weather for Earl. No, I don't put on my rain suit until I have soaked to the skin, then I put on the rain suit. Work was fine, ordered the last of the books, correctly and then thought someone was telling me I had done something wrong (but it was shotgun management style - blast away -- a little birdshot bursting everyone's bubbles) and I had to learn how to submit my travel for the conference and that is all new - this being an old man is so frightening when they add easier software to help me. Okay, I am not scared, but don't like looking like an idiot to the computers - I have seen the Terminator in action, and I felt like an idiot while I played with the entries and the computer kept telling me I was wrong I couldn't go back in time - and I am looking at the machine thinking I almost wish I could.

I got two good rides in today, the rain hit before I woke, while I worked in the library, and before I left to ride home- I even saw the SUN, briefly between gray towering clouds pushed by high winds and sea gulls. Still I get a nice feeling that after a few more wicked weeks of Western Washington's Winds and Waves (the ferry slams into the floating docks!) it will really be Spring and more fun than I deserve. My vacation time has been approved for the Boomershoot!

Only one last thing to write about, opening the door to the house, seeing my wife cooking in the kitchen and her smiling and telling me that I have to take CPR training - cause her heart isn't working very well today. She got leveled, went to her doctor and then on to work, and her blood pressure is high and the results of her other tests aren't back yet. But she wants me to worry about her coming heart attack - okay, dear, put it right there beside the other stuff on the procrastination pile. I did tell her to put the salt shaker back down and don't add any salt to the dinner, there is enough in the meat naturally. I do know CPR, just don't certify frequently.

You did notice I haven't written about the President and World Shaking events? Notice that this starts with something seemingly important (the 2nd Amendment and Concealed Pistol License) and gravitates right up to the only thing that is critically important in my life - hot coffee, nice steak and vegetables and my loving wife. Yeah, I know what I might lose sleep over.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good post Earl! And good on ya for the renewal! Enjoy the time with your lovely wife! We survived Carter, we'll survive Obama