I washed the Caravan on my way to work, but the undercarriage needs lots of help - where was that mud in Idaho? At work I tested two interested offenders, I allowed the three that weren't to depart without testing or interview, they wouldn't have worked out. The pay is only forty-two cents an hour. I did start getting some of the piles of paperwork under control, as those above me kept sending more to work on, it is always that way. My totally slow shelver, is still slow but progressing just as fast as totally slow would, not very. By the end of the afternoon I was getting depressed working with the criminal minds, I really don't like them, there are some that aren't working their lives in that mode, but not enough. So, when it was Recall I was breathing a "Thank you, Lord" as I prepared to lock up, I had made it past the middle of the week. So tired that I woke from a deep sleep on the ferry - so very old man of me.
It was raining by the time I arrived home, so I didn't get the lawn cut and it is so green and lush, perfect for somersaults and rolling around on, but a bit too wet now. I sent off the still pictures to the ILS staffers and the Honorees from last Thursday night's party in their honor - retiring and birthday. I attempted to load the video of the poetry, but it is too large a file and I couldn't. While it tried to load I paid bills and sent a marriage certificate and a bank statement with my wife's name and mine and our only jointly inhabited address - I didn't blank out the financial information and I told them to send it all back after they approve its proof of our relationship. Someone pretty stupid thinks they have been paying too much for people that shouldn't be covered, must be management. I will need the name of the people that are going to testify in court that my wife and I are married and living together, now that I have provided their proof. Or do they think they get to keep paper to use for ID theft in the future, hmm, was that a real request from my health insurer? Or is it a scam, did it have my Governor's signature on it?
I trust too many people, but it works well for me. Y'all have a great night, I scored as a "Real Biker" on Facebook, I do need to get a life don't I?
We missed you at the Gunbloggers' Rendezvous -- you must have paid, there was a door prize ticket with your name on it. Hopefully we'll see you at Boomershoot instead!
PS: I'm planning to attend an Appleseed shoot before Boomershoot 2010, and I have some new shooters I'd bring along. Thought you'd like that.
Of course I paid, I like to support good stuff and good people there was just a great opportunity to help another great group of people shoot. and enjoy that Appleseed, even bad weather doesn't kill good spirits. I will enjoy every new shooter, and every American Rifleman taking the seventh step.
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