Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thoughts to keep me awake at night...

Just me and the cat, Luna, are up now. It is cool enough to sit and do some typing, now if the brain is engaged and running I might get something out, where is the coffee? In my Triumph Across America Cup.

So part of the discussion at Ramseur Range was about how to build the Appleseed program larger. Contact the world on the internet said one person, offer a blogger media event, kind of like a blog meet. Looking at all the work Mister Huff does for the 2nd Amendment, shooting and his annual Boomershoot. How well does that get to the world outside of the gun interested folks? In the end it isn't the the people that have and use firearms well that need contacted is it? Breda and Tam have been to a day of Appleseed, how do I get my own two friends to go?

The Appleseed Program of Ohio is on Facebook now, I met a young man and woman in New York, and their parents, they could all benefit from the two day Appleseed. But they are working hard daily and where do they fit that into their lives? Like physical exercise, shooting needs to be integrated into America's normal everyday pattern. I am looking for the day that the conversation around the water cooler is about the last shooting match and what is next on the firearms wish list.

The Main Stream Media will get invited, some have looked at Appleseed with the same understanding of the Tea Party movement - they really don't get it. I would wish that the blogging community would look at attending an Appleseed, writing about their experience and spreading the word. The Committees of Correspondence of 1774 have nothing on the internet users, faster than Paul Revere's horse, more powerful than the backrooms in Chicago's political machine. Well, maybe....

In the end even the internet world famous bloggers are not going to be enough, the regular folks will have to be the ones, inviting their neighbors to Appleseeds, talking across the fences and around the latte stand, texting their significants about going shooting this weekend.

From Quote of the Day, thanks to Joe Huff - this real world understanding in Jackson County, Wisconsin. Interesting, is anyone else reading the Constitution out there?

1 comment:

threecollie said...

The Appleseed program is very intriguing. I hope it does get the attention it deserves.