Friday, December 17, 2010

One doctor visit left for this year...

Both my wife and I have to finish the year with a doctor today, nothing important but bothersome... My father and mother kept saying that as long as they weren't ill at the same time they could make it. I really understand that.

I have been testing my foot, and find running on my toes possible and I want to get to it. Being fifty-five pounds over my fighting and loving weight is not where I want to be. Although, if I were still sporting the white beard, Santa Claus would be a potential job right now.

UPDATE: my wife gets off with one follow up visit in four weeks, I get two more doctor visits, another prescription, and two specialty clinic visits and no partridge in a pear tree, sigh. And to add to my frustration, I don't think I need any of it now I have the test results... it is my doctor's idea and he don't shoot.

I once enjoyed Rush Limbaugh, but when I found him making comments about the military preps for the invasion of Haiti - I discovered that he really didn't know anything about weapons, military or what was going on - but it didn't stop him from presenting an entertaining emotional whine against whatever would get a larger audience for selling his sponsor's products. Looking harder at Fox, MSNBC, ABC and CBS news - I find the same central goal, controversy creates cash - which could be a great title for a book about professional wrestling entertainment. One of the central formats for BBC News is a lack of emotion in their reporting - careful word choice to give the report without too much color content. During Gulf War I, I listened and transcribed the BBC reports so the paratroopers in my unit would know how the world looked at what we were up to. As one of my college professors wrote to me, they were covering the war like a professional football game - color commentators, graphics and play by play and instant replay.

My brother says they have a study that proves people that watch FOX News aren't as well informed as those that watch other news shows. Probably the same groups of folks that run around doing studies and polls for gun control groups and other special interests - whatever one's cause we can make a survey supporting it (growth industry).

All of the above was a great reason to break out the Lord of the Rings DVDs and watch the first one yesterday. Wonder if they are going to get to Mordor...


Old NFO said...

Yeah, Limbaugh has turned me off totally...

threecollie said...

Love those movies. Rarely like what Hollywood does to my favorite, many times read books, but they did the Rings quite well.