Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long ago when I thought I was a real man...

Manliness, Kim Du Toit wrote about the change of the Male in Western Civilization, I won't use his words, he didn't mince them but I found this worth reading and sharing, Art of Manliness.

I wish this writer well, hope he can keep the Republic or Democracy that he was willing to stand guard and march for, armed with hunting knife and hatchet. Do pay attention to what worked -- solitary heroes are for comic books. One of the female reporters trying to get to the head of her profession and thinking the Press would protect her got separated from her party and abused about as badly as you could get in a public protest area... I do hope she recovers well, covering the News isn't as glamorous as she once was.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good post Earl, and no that 'equality' doesn't play in a large part of the word, as she sadly learned...