I have spent the afternoon watching Indochine starring Catherine Deneuve and Linh Dan Pham. I have all that stuff left over from America's experience in Vietnam, so I picked this up awhile ago and was impressed with the beauty of parts of Vietnam I never saw, and of course I was still young enough that the two ladies were very lovely. Must have paid way to much attention to the ladies - this time, they aren't as distracting, and the whole story comes through better.
I wanted to write about being content, like the old contented cow commercial, if you have all you needs met, have nothing more to achieve, no one is depending upon your best work - you can kind of rest, relax, reflect and find you manufacture a struggle - with yourself if no one else. I know I must get out and jog, but I resist, like there were something else more important. Like this post - it only is a delay of my better self re-gaining control. Put the house key in the pocket. Finish typing this and put some socks and a sweatshirt on and get out the door. Such an easy thing - but I don't have to... I once did five miles around a quarter mile track, knowing I would finish in under forty minutes. But that was back in the day when I wanted to build up my endurance, like boxers, because when you are fighting three minutes is a long, long time. Needed to fix that and so I ran, don't see any fights in my near future, three minutes is now just way too many commercials.
I did ask my wife if she wanted to sneak off to Hawaii this weekend, no answer, she isn't content. Still struggling with work, church ladies and her foot. I have patience I can wait.
Patience IS a virtue Earl :-)
So what are you doing- grabbing excellent last minute fare packages to Hawaii?
Stand-by. The AMC has (sometimes) aircraft going in your direction and if there is space you may fly because you are retired or active military. The aircraft are on real missions, just have an empty seat or two.
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