Why would we expect our country to be stronger, faster, sexier, hotter, wealthier and so much better than it was on 4 July, 1776? It did mature, seven more years of baby steps and diapers then it had its Liberty. Started stretching out, building muscles, reactions, relationships. The country seems to have more life than its citizens enjoy, longer, and about as healthy, consumption and storage of junk and fat seems to be about the same. Mental problems like thinking it is divinely inspired, destined to greatness and above the common little countries. Fooling itself and us about how great we are as a people and a country, not doing the exercises, not budgeting, not investing in the future... why should we think this country and the stuff it was founded upon would make it through the Centuries?
Do countries just get old and die? Will this one follow their lead? When the citizens forget what the Declaration of Independence was about, will Uncle Sam pass the way of Tinkerbell, when we stopped believing in fairies?
America is in much better shape than ol' man Dungey, don't see it groan and grunt when it has to get out there and fight, clean up the messes and fix the plumbing. People still accept its checks, although recent publications from the government do say that there may be no money soon. My wife kept her copy. The Legislature is in denial of the excess weight it stumbles around with, stunting growth and opportunity, the President provides little motivation and no leadership for dynamic change and improvement - must be watching too many infomercials and thinks throwing money will solve the countries need for sexier abs.
The Declaration of Independence, what an idea - that citizens could and should list their reasons and separate and stand up --- independently from chains of servitude. Happy Birthday, America, although maybe you are too old to appreciate what you once were, I feel Historian enough to have missed all your best. Death by Recliner is no way for America to go out. I am jogging gently again tomorrow and working on balancing my books and budget, join me?
Joinig you here in the Midwest. Lovely day, good food, good fellowship through email with young veterans returned from overseas. Happy Birthday, America.
Ya gotta wonder if we as a nation can continue. But then I remember how people like you have sacrificed so much, and I think we are safer than we realize. Have a good Independence Day Earl, and thank you for your service.
American history is filled with eras of stupidity and politics first. We survived them and became better. We can do it again. Just watch out for the Stephen Vincent Bennet effect.
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