This is probably the best of Summer, in the Great NorthWest, since there is Sun, BLUE sky, and Lots of shades of green, and they provide lots of shade. Turning on the morning news programs would have told me about the terrible heat wave everywhere in America - the News roooms are all air conditioned, and the makeup doesn't run with perspiration unless the reporter has to go outside for local color. I have to put a sweatshirt on, the windows are open and cool breezes just whisper by. It isn't really cool enough for the sweatshirt but I had my morning gruel and the blood circulation is centered around digestion for about an hour. I could move it to muscles if I were to get out of the recliner, but that will come later.
Oh yeah, sure, rub it in! ;-)
102 degrees here and still climbing.
Enjoy... 103 in DC, heat index of 112, and HIGH humidity... Pretty sad when South Florida weather was cooler!!!
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