Monday, September 26, 2011

A very good Appleseed weekend...

At Castle Rock, Washington, at Wade's Designated Appleseed Range (DAR) I spent most of my weekend, and six hours on I-5. Four hours sleep on Saturday night and about five on Friday night. I had a great time, was a bit too wordy on the events leading to General Gage and Paul Revere's meeting in History on 18 April, 1775, but I did get the First Strike told, and I taught Offhand and helped coach and adjust sights and shooter's positions. Two days, five new Riflemen made, "Ducko" earned his Red Hat and is now an instructor, he will become a Shoot Boss next year, likely. Three of the Riflemen had been to other Appleseeds, and liking the program stepped up to take up the Instructor in Training (IIT) yellow ball cap.

This is still the best time I have ever had on firing ranges, with people that come to learn, shoot and go home feeling good about America. Nothing I have done with NRA or in the military comes close. Maybe working with shooters in High School might be as much fun, but then there are too many frightened people wandering around in charge aren't there? My only complaint was that I didn't make it through the entire second day, wearing out too quickly and my heart is as big as my memory of my best years - but these are my look around and count my blessings days.

I had best get to writing more letters, and telling more History - do you think we could get more politicians to the ranges - they do go to debates and town meetings?

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Nicely done Sir! Thanks for your time and effort Earl!