Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Y'all get out and VOTE! we have here done so...

I had an appointment for more and much better electronic death - High Definition Television was to arrive - according to the contract, between 8 am and 12 noon.... well, I waited, then called my work day off, notified the Corrections Sergeant that the library was closed, put in a vacation day request, called my supervisor's cell phone and told her, and sent a Library-All notification that MICC was closed for vacation and no coverage. Just at twelve I was called by the cable guy, that he would be late - and he was, two more hours before he shows, then the whole thing doesn't work, he put in two different boxes, then a DVD box, and messed with the cabling and connections and finally we had a signal. I signed his paperwork and he left and I started putting everything back together - video, DVD players connections check picture, check connections, and change out the old favorites for the new favorites. There is a large difference in picture quality. And my wife is happy enough with the improvement - this was the kind of picture she bought that fine Sony for... just think how hot those wrestling Divas are going be on Smackdown! Not that she would notice.

We also voted today - the Presidential, Governor's Race and many other things are done and we don't have to pay attention any longer. They go out in the mail tomorrow on my way to work. My son also sent his ballot in, absentee service person - I always wonder why the Democratic Party thinks that the military is leaning Republican, although they are Conservative in many values they don't hold too much hope in any politicians. Although, I do remember singing "Train, train, train, in the Eighty-Deuce, Please Mister Reagan won't you turn us loose!" those were the days... we just liked knowing we had a President that would support us and we wouldn't die for no good reason. Don't mind the dying as long as it was worth the pain, some days I wanted to level Washington DC, or just take out all the people wearing expensive suits. Those days were always while I was in some forsaken land, doing the impossible with as little or no effect on tranquility and shopping maddness at the American Malls.

Did talk to my son and daughter-in-law (in Hawaii), with my wife, and marveled at their youth and energy, sent a message to my cousin's wife (in Mississippi)and told everyone too much about my weekend shooting adventure - I was comparing historical accounts of the start of the American Revolution while I waited for the Cable guy, and I pulled down my copy of Firearms of the World, too. Like me, an older edition and out of touch with reality, those old rifles just keep going, and going, and going. Well, enough for one day, the High Definition will be good background for my study of the M1 and some needed exercising.

I remember Nate, who qualified Rifleman, with a 213 and then a 233, telling me that all I needed was a little Magic, and I wondered how serious that was - but I think I have the magic - and will work on the knowledge to support it well. Nite! y'all.


Old NFO said...

Ah yes... youth and energy... I had those once, but no more! Everyone should VOTE, this year it really may be critical! Enjoy the Hi-def TV too :-)

Yoda of Math said...

I will vote. I am currently admonishing my 18 year old students to register and vote because the system only works if people actually vote. By the way, your weekend sounded like a lot of fun.