Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Orientated properly...

Reading other blogs kind of orientates me in the proper direction, and orientate isn't spelled wrong. But wouldn't orient cover the same concept? Do I have to look it up and find out that I have no idea what I am talking about? Nope, Archie Bunker and I couldn't ever be wrong, that would be like Elvis Presley and the Duke having died somewhere. The reason I brought up Archie was how his and his wife's chairs sat in their living room. They oriented their seating to see the television we were viewing them from, Cosby did it, too. I guess it was an improvement over Ward Cleaver's newspaper between him and his wife, but then just the medium of information and entertainment exchange was evolving, wasn't it? Once one stops looking into the eyes of the one they love and into the television or monitor while sitting side by side not listening... not listening... no longer intimate, nor even social.

I am re-reading Rabble in Arms by Kenneth Roberts, and had to get my atlas of North America out from under the DVD player... seems all Earl's orientation is on weather and news channels that stop at the border with Canada and Mexico - like nothing will ever happen on the other side of the river from Detroit. Anyway I had to look up Montreal and the lakes between New York and Vermont (which didn't exist in that era, save in Ethan Allen's mind), and a good atlas has the man made and the natural barriers I need for assessing military movements and operations (sometimes one is forged into a certain way of looking at the world).

My other book to study is Position Rifle Shooting by Bill Pullum and Frank T. Hanenkrat, since I want to improve my knowledge of the subject and see what is out there, that Amazon web page works for me. The Boomershoot in Idaho is up and there is a precision rifle clinic offered by Gene Econ that I am thinking about attending - but since I still haven't an optic on my Model 70, 30-06, I am not sure. How does one do all that really great stuff - I mean the planning dates are there, the opportunity calls, but things may just be in the way.

Now back to the oriented properly, what are those texting and cell phones for? I still remember being on a weekend motorcycle ride, stopping for lunch with three other men and three likely ladies - and the men were texting jokes across the table and ignoring socializing with the ladies... I was eating and wondering what had happened to the younger generation, my orientation was pretty good but then I haven't texted anyone, so do I have a life? Is it oriented properly? Is it possible to text God with prayer requests? Don't think I will try and find out, I like instant access on important stuff like the End of 'my' Time.

1 comment:

threecollie said...

I loved Rabble in Arms...thank you for reminding me so I can dig it out and reread it. And isn't the texting thing crazy? As you know it has descended upon our home and the buzzing and burping and zinging of cell phones is enough to drive you crazy. Yesterday all the kids were in and the milk inspector was here too, working with Liz, so his phone was going off too. Ay, yi, yi....