Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I was gone for about thirty-six hours...

I know, you didn't notice. Not a problem. The C17 crews kept me moving and entertained for about twelve of those hours, and I can still sleep sitting up, and prone upon the deck. I was reading a lot, The Deed of Paksenarrion, by Elizabeth Moon. I went to Oahu and visited with my son, daughter-in-law and grandson. On Sunday morning there was the Honolulu Triathlon, metric race - 1.5K swim, 40K bike, 10K run. We got up about three, ate breakfast, packed and got a parking spot early and waited for the Sun to rise. I found a spot on the beach and attracted a color commentator - he told me everything he knew about this kind of race, since he had done so many in his past. We talked Europe and travel, too. There are many hours before everything starts at six. I was determined to record this race since I hadn't really done well last June in Kona. I had pretty good positions and was able to snap a few good pictures.

Luckily I am comfortable being a really old man, because most of the participants are young and lean and they go. After the race, my son picked up his bike and dropped me off to catch my return flight. The cargo planes are covering the world and they go where directed, four left Hawai'i that day, three had come in from the West (Asia) and were returning back to their homebase. Plenty of room for one on the last one of the day.

Two young mothers on that flight, three old couples, three children and two babies. I have to stand in awe of the mothers controlling the children, caring for the babies and moving all the luggage that goes with them. Well time for O'Reilly's Rant and World News. Something happened today beside garbage pickup. I turned garden soil and put a picture of my son in one of his early road races (the only kid in the race, his father dragged him along) and the finish of his race on Saturday. In between the two, a lot of skate boarding and soccer.

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